Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Of free speech..

I got a SMS recently that said:

"In a country of free speech...why are there phone bills?!!" (Gizmo thanx maga!)

Out of impulse and knowing that it wasn't free....I forwarded the same to friends in my phone list...I dint expect people to reply...amazingly they are a few pearls of wisdom from replies to this forward:

Sadass said: Phone companies are not Indian bob!

Shilpz said: To keep you and me apart!

BP said: To make sure I talk less...

Here's d best one from them all....

The Rogue said: ...because there is an entity called phone sex...and in our country we have entertainment tax!!

You're right bob...whoever said "no country ever taxed itself to prosperity" would surely be squirming in his grave!!

What would you say????


P.S. more SMS conversation coming up soon...stay tuned!!


Hippocampus said...

wow maga.. that;s a nice idea to blog about!! he he. Even i thought of replying to ur message.. but didn;t. anyways, looking forward for more of it...

Whencutdeep said...

What would you hav replied maga??
add it now...