Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lift kara de...

I’m finally getting down to writing. If you’ve followed this blog for sometime you’ll probably know that most of my posts either say ‘here’s hoping to get back’ or ‘I’m back’ but none actually getting back!

Every time I read a blog especially some of the blogs I follow regularly like here, here and here, I can’t help but be amazed at the flow and the lovely articulation.

Most of the stuff I ever write never makes it to the blog… it makes it successfully to the dustbin. I scribble away furiously for a few minutes and then realize it has no direction. It feels like playing chess without knowing how to reach a checkmate!

Oh man! You fellows are a gifted bunch I tell ya!

I don’t intend for this to be another post about me making a come back to Blogging or any such thing. Maybe all you good folk out here can give me a few pointers on how I need to write.

Ok, horn please...


rads said...

O come now, can't speak for the other two, but it's just a matter of sitting down and letting your thoughts take over. So what if there isn't a direction, keep at it, and you will get to a point somehow, and every time, the trip will just get shorter and crisper.

Not sure if you read my fables at but two days ago, I really wanted to write as it's been a while. I started with wanting to go a particular route,and as I started my 3rd para, things veered and I went in a different direction and that's how "dessicate" happened.

Write for yourself, then the audience fades quite nicely away :)

Whencutdeep said...

hey Rads... thanks.. its the sitting down and let thoughts take over part that I usually have problems with. I guess as you say, its just a matter of time! :)

I do read the fables! love'em!

"Write for yourself, then the audience fades quite nicely away :)"

Perfectly said! Couldnt have put it better!


KG said...

Christ- you know what? I spend about 5 hours on the average post- getting the idea, typing, editing,publishing, then editing, pictures- its exhausting.

And in the end it turns out to be quite flippant! The amount of time I spend to write these things is stupid!

So it doesn't flow at all- comes in spurts (pun unintended)

Unknown said...

Dude Just get back to some blogging
I miss a decent read